Journal articles

Hodge, G., Manrique, E., Winter, B. & K. Cormier. (Accepted). Manual wh-signs and English wh-mouthings differentiate BSL content and polar questions. 

Puupponen, A., Hodge, G., Anible, B., Salonen, J., Wainio, T., Keränen, J., Hernández, D. & T. Jantunen. (2024). Opening up Corpus FinSL: Enriching corpus analysis with linguistic ethnography in a study of constructed action. Linguistics. DOI: 10.1515/ling-2023-0196

O'Brien, D., Hodge, G., Gulamani, S., Rowley, K., Adam, R., Emery, S., & J. Walker. (2023). Deaf academics' perception of 'trust' in relationships with signed language interpreters. Translation & Interpreting, 15(2): 25-42. DOI: 10.12807/ti.115202.2023.a02

Hodge, G., Barth, D. & L. Reed. (2023). Auslan and Matukar Panau: a modality-agnostic look at quotatives. Language Documentation & Conservation, 12: 85-125.

Ferrara, L., Anible, B., Hodge, G., Jantunen, T., Leeson, L., Mesch, J. & A-L. Nilsson. (2022). A cross-linguistic comparison of reference across five signed languages. Linguistic Typology, 27(3): 591-627. DOI: 10.1515/lingty-2021-0057

Hodge, G. & L. Ferrara. (2022). Iconicity as multimodal, polysemiotic, and plurifunctional. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:808896. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.808896

Green, J., Hodge, G. & B. Kelly. (2022). Sign language and gesture research in Australia: 2000-2020. Language Documentation & Conservation, 16: 32-78.

Barth, D., Evans, N., Arka, I. W., Bergqvist, H., Forker, D., Gipper, S., Hodge, G., Kashima, E., Kasuga, Y., Kawakami, C., Kimoto, Y., Knuchel, D., Kogura, N., Kurabe, K., Mansfield, J., Narrog, H., Pratiwi, D.P.E., van Putten, S., Senge, C. & O. Tykhostup. (2022). Language versus individuals in cross-linguistic corpus typology. In G. Haig, S. Schnell & F. Seifart. (Eds.). Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication 25: 179-232.

Hodge, G. & S. A. Goico. (2022). Natural and elicited: Sign language corpus linguistics and linguistic ethnography as complementary methodologies. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 26: 126-136. DOI: 10.1111/josl.12523

Hodge, G. & D. Goswell. (2021). Deaf signing diversity and signed language translations. Applied Linguistic Review, 14(5): 1045-1083. DOI: 10.1515/applirev-2020-0034

Hodge, G., Gulamani, S. & K. Cormier. (2020). Showing and seeing: enactment in British Sign Language conversations. In A. Ravignani, C. Barbieri, M. Flaherty, Y. Jadoul, E. Lattenkamp, H. Little, M. Martins, K. Mudd & T. Verhoef (Eds.). The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (EvoLang13). Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics: Nijmegen.

Hodge, G. (2020). Gesture in Multiparty Interaction, Emily Shaw, Gallaudet University Press, Washington, DC. [book review]. Journal of Pragmatics, 157: 145-147. DOI:10.1016/j.pragma.2019.12.009 [Please contact me for PDF]

Hodge, G. & K. Cormier. (2019). Reported speech as enactment. Linguistic Typology, 23(1): 185–196. DOI:10.1515/lingty-2019-0008

Hodge, G., Ferrara, L. & B. Anible. (2019). The semiotic diversity of doing reference in a deaf signed language. Journal of Pragmatics, 143: 33-53. DOI:10.1016/j.pragma.2019.01.025

Hodge, G., Sekine, K., Schembri, A. & T. Johnston. (2019). Comparing signers and speakers: Building a directly comparable corpus of Auslan and Australian English. Corpora, 14(1): 63-76. DOI:10.3366/cor.2019.0161 [Please contact me for PDF]

Ferrara, L., & G. Hodge. (2018). Language as description, indication, and depiction. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:716. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00716

Hodge, G., & L. Ferrara. (2014). Showing the story: Enactment as performance in Auslan narratives. In L. Gawne & J. Vaughan (Eds.). Selected Papers from the 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society 2013. (pp. 372- 397).

Hodge, G., & T. Johnston. (2014). Points, depictions, gestures and enactment: Partly lexical and non-lexical signs as core elements of single clause-like units in Auslan (Australian sign language). Australian Journal of Linguistics, 34(2): 262-291. DOI:10.1080/07268602.2014.887408 [Please contact me for PDF]

Hodge, G. (2013). How deafness may emerge as a disability as social interactions unfold. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: A Journal of Qualitative Research, 3(3): 193-196. DOI:10.1353/nib.2013.0056 [Please contact me for PDF]

Book Chapters

Hodge, G. & O. Crasborn. (2022). Good practices in annotation. In J. Fenlon & J. A. Hochgesang. (Eds.). Signed language corpora. (pp. 46-89). Gallaudet University Press: Washington DC. [pre-print]

Hodge, G. (2020). The ideology of communication practices embedded in an Australian deaf/hearing dance collaboration. In Kusters, A., Green, M., Moriarty, E., & K. Snoddon (Eds). Sign language ideologies in practice. (pp. 59-82). Mouton de Gruyter/Ishara Press: Berlin.

Hodge, G. (2017). Validating your access card: striving beyond equality to equity (or something close enough). In C. McMaster, C. Murphy, I. Mewburn and B. Whitburn (Eds). Postgraduate study in Australia: surviving and succeeding. Peter Lang: New York.

Essays, Blogs & Vlogs

Lingthusiasm. (17 March 2023). Episode 78: Bringing stories to life in Auslan - Interview with Gabrielle Hodge. [Auslan with English captions]. Online.

Hodge, G. (13 July 2022). Rupturing distantism. Essay for the exhibition catalogue of What I Wish I'd Told You by Chelle Destefano and Claire Bridge. Footscray Community Arts. 

Gawne, L. & Hodge, G. (21 December 2021). Planning communication access for online conferences. English blog for The Research Whisperer. 

Hodge, G. & L. Ferrara. (22 February 2021). How we can make language theory more inclusive? Auslan vlog and English blog for Acadeafic.

Hodge, G. (19 November 2020). Getting "Under My Skin": Exploring deaf and hearing communication practices in dance. IS vlog and English blog for Acadeafic. 

Recent invited talks

Hodge, G. (2022). Indexicality of enactment in signed interactions. Communicative Multimodality in Cross-cultural Perspectives, 22 July. Australian National University, Australia.

Hodge, G. & S. Gulamani. (2022). Showing and seeing: Enactment in British Sign Language conversations. Meaning & Modality Linguistics Laboratory, 20 January. Harvard University, USA.

Hodge, G. & S. Racz-Engelhardt. (2021). Perspectives on Sign Language Research: A conversation with Dr. Gabrielle Hodge. Institut für Deutsche Gebärdensprache, 15 December. Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Hodge, G. (2021). What is the value of signed language corpora for Deaf Studies? SIGNS@HWU Roundtable Series, 19 May. Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.

Recent conference presentations

Hodge, G. (2024). Rupturing distantism: the ordinariness of sign languaging embedded within a Deaf creative production. Presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 25. 24-27 June 2024. Curtin University, Perth, Australia.

Hodge, G. & L. Ferrara. (2020). The multidimensionality of depiction. Presented at the Iconicity in Language: Theoretical Issues & Future Directions workshop. UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020. University of Birmingham, UK.

Ferrara, L., Anible, B., Hodge, G., Jantunen, T., Leeson, L., Mesch, J., & A-L. Nilsson. (2020). A cross-linguistic comparison of reference across different signed languages. Presented at the High Desert Linguistics Society (HDLS) Conference, 20-22 November. University of New Mexico, USA.


Hodge, G. (2012). The boy who wolfed: a corpus-driven typology of simple constructions in Australian Sign Language (Auslan). Poster presented at the Culture and Mind V conference, 27 - 29 June. Universidade Católica Portuguesa (CECC-FCH), Lisbon.

Hodge, G. (2011). Points, depiction, gesture & enactment: a corpus-based typology of non-linguistic core elements in Australian Sign Language (Auslan). Poster presented at the Australian Linguistics Society 42nd Annual Conference, 2-4 December. Australian National University, Canberra.

Commissioned reports

Hodge, G., Murray, L., Thornton, D. & J. Blyth. (2024). Understanding Auslan signers through the 2022 Deaf Census. Deaf Australia.

Hodge, G., Murray, L., Thornton, D. & J. Blyth. (2023). A snapshot of Deaf people's experiences. Briefing Paper submitted to the Australian Government Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. Deaf Australia.

Carty, B., Hodge, G., Lakos, B. & J. Sabolcec. (2015). Deaf community centre research project: Report to the Deaf Children Australia and Vicdeaf Working Group. La Trobe University, Melbourne. [Auslan summary]

Hodge, G., Goswell, D., Whynot, L., Linder, S. & C. Clark. (2015). What standards? Developing evidence-based Auslan translation standards and production guidelines. Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Sydney.

Hodge, G., Schembri, A. & I. Rogers. (2013). Auslan assessment and early intervention strategies project: Report to the Victorian Deaf Education Institute, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Government of Victoria. La Trobe University, Melbourne.


Hodge, G. (2014). Patterns from a signed language corpus: Clause-like units in Auslan (Australian sign language). Doctoral thesis. Macquarie University, Sydney.

Hodge, G. (2008). Variation in Australian sign language: Case studies of the expression of time in contemporary Auslan. Honours thesis. La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Archives & other language resources

Hodge, G. (2023). Deaf Australia Reference Library. DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/2BZK7

Hodge, G., Green, J. & B. F. Kelly. (2021). The Australian Sign & Gesture Reference Library. DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/CXNBV

Miller, J. & G. Hodge. (2021). Improving communication access for deaf and hard of hearing people at CoEDL [guidelines]. Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, ANU, Canberra.

Hodge, G., Sekine, K., Schembri, A. & T. Johnston. (2017). Auslan Family Problems Task. Social Cognition and Parallax Interview Project. PARADISEC. Canberra.

Hodge, G., Sekine, K., Schembri, A. & T. Johnston. (2016). Collection. Auslan & Australian English Corpus. The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Nijmegen.

Expression Australia. (2015). Deaf Emergency Information [bilingual Auslan/English website]. Expression Australia, Melbourne.

Hodge, G., Goswell, D., Whynot, L., Linder, S. & C. Clark. (2015). Guidelines: English into Auslan Video Production Version 1.2. Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Sydney.

Herman, R., Holmes, S., Woll, B., Schembri, A., Hodge, G. & I. Rogers. (2014). Assessing Auslan (Australian sign language) development: The Auslan Receptive Skills Test and Productive Skills Test [assessment tool]. Victorian Deaf Education Institute, Melbourne. 

Living and working on the sovereign lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. I pay my respects to Elders past and present. A percentage of my monthly income goes to Pay the Rent. 

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